Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Using technology to enhance teaching and learning - Making sense of research, and Developing scholarship

Links to two (open access) articles that will be discussed in the workshop below:
(for workshop participants, please read these articles before the workshop)

For pre-conference workshop and main conference symposium participants, please bring a WiFi enabled computer, tablet or smartphone to the session.

above is the final slide put up on this blog @ 2115 hrs on Tuesday evening, January 12th, 2016, two nights before the workshop, the contents of which suddenly occured to me while I was taking a short nap subconsciously thinking about the process of putting the blog together 

have subsequently written a short reflection piece posted on MedEdWorld Reflections @ 1930hrs on Wednesday evening, January 13th, 2016

above is one slide added immediately after the workshop @ 1330hrs,  on January 14th, 2016
Poh Sun

with an accompanying short reflection piece posted on MedEdWorld Reflections on January 15th, 2016 (link below)

Pena GP, Andrade-Filho Jde S. Analogies in medicine: valuable for learning,
reasoning, remembering and naming. Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract. 2010
Oct;15(4):609-19. doi: 10.1007/s10459-008-9126-2. Epub 2008 Jun 5. Review.

Blanchette I, Dunbar K. How analogies are generated: the roles of structural
and superficial similarity. Mem Cognit. 2000 Jan;28(1):108-24.

Masukume G, Zumla A. Analogies and metaphors in clinical medicine. Clin Med
(Lond). 2012 Feb;12(1):55-6.

A lecture at the University of Bologna in Italy in the mid-fourteenth century. The lecturer reads from a text on the lectern while students in the back sleep.
(in public domain)

(click on tile above to access webpage from L&T@UNSW, Australia)

(click on tile above to access MedEdWorld reflection piece)

(click on tile above to access website with more information)

by Glynn Sharpe, in American International Journal of Contemporary Research, 2011

by Patricia Rogers, in Evaluation, 2008

by Cheryl Hosley, 2005

(click or tap on either "tile" above or below for one example of a portfolio of educational scholarship)

(to cite the paper above, please see information at bottom of first page on link below)

Post workshop and symposium reflection:

(first draft written on 1400hrs, January 17th, 2016 by Poh-Sun; with further writing/editing at 2100hrs same day, further writing 1800hrs January 18th, 2016, with start of journal specification manuscript matching and referencing process)

Our intention was to present some key ideas on the topic of "Making sense of research" and "Developing scholarship" in the area of "Using technology to enhance teaching and learning"; to illustrate these ideas through articles in the literature, to stimulate discussion during the workshop, and symposium, and to use a blog/resource website, embedded on the 13th APMEC conference website, and shared with participants beforehand, to engage the participants, both before and during the live sessions, to illustrate some of the ideas discussed, and to provide a record for both participants as well as faculty to review our interaction after the conference. The session resource blog or website provided workshop participants with access to 2 journal articles for pre-reading before the workshop (with one week preparation time), as well as access to the articles during the workshop, and also contains an embedded Padlet online digital writing and posting surface, where workshop participants were requested to write down before they left the workshop their key takeaways from the workshop, and draft post workshop action plans, to be shared online after the workshop. Analytics embedded within the blog (with some examples illustrated above) provide insight into when participants interacted with contents on the blog, for what duration, and to what extent (session times, average session duration, page views per session). For faculty this adds quantitative usage data to qualitative workshop output, and our observations of participant activity during the workshop, and symposium. 

Our purpose to encourage, and support engagement with the material, spending time with the material, as well as active discussion and reflection during the workshop, is because student engagement, time on task, as well as active learning strategies, have been shown in the literature to promote learning.

What do the "analytics data" showing number of page views, time content is viewed, duration online content is viewed, and what content is viewed help us as educators? (the next 2 paragraphs added on Saturday, 23 January 2016 at 12 noon, first draft). Reflecting on the viewership data of online content reinforces one of the key strengths of online learning, compared with live attendance at teaching sessions; specifically access and accessibility of online content. Have digital learning content available, at a time, and place of our choosing has several advantages - from logistic ones (being able to attend sessions), to giving our learners the ability to expand contact with the "original" learning content (created or curated by the teacher) before, during and after class; and not just rely on note taking, lecture slides and printed handouts.

If one compares online access compared with physical access to hardcopy or live instruction, in three educational settings, namely just in time learning, informal learning and formal learning; one could argue for just in time learning that online access is clearly more efficient, and effective (in giving access) compared with physical or live formats. For informal learning, it could also be argued that using digital means to seek advice, from peers and teachers potentially at multiple geographic sites or separated by distance, is more efficient and often more effective as physically asking someone close at hand (who may not have the expertise or information required), or running around trying to find the right person to help out. For formal learning settings, research studies have demonstrated equivalent effectiveness of online vs live classroom teaching; however online learning has clear advantages in facilitating attendance at times of convenience (for the student), and at times the student is best able to focus and concentrate on the learning material and educational activities. Our task as educators during formal learning, both in live and online settings, is to gain and maintain students interest and engagement with the learning task, and support each student in a customised and adaptive manner. Similar to our role as teachers to ensure physical attendance at live teaching, we need to develop processes and support systems to encourage our students who are undertaking formal online learning to regularly review learning material, and undertake online assessment tasks, as well as reflect upon, and use the knowledge and skills they are learning online. As teachers we need visibility of continuing growth and development of higher levels of knowledge and skills in our students, in both live and online learning settings (see section below - "What is evidence of learning? How can we as teachers promote and encourage learning?")

What have you learnt today? Tell me about it.

Read a little more each day. Do a little more each day. Write one more section or paragraph(s) each day. Reflect on what you are doing. Edit what you are doing. Every day.

Learning, education, and the training process is similar to undertaking a long journey. Take a few steps each day. Every day.

Pre-workshop reading                                                                                 - Yes
Shared with participants one week before session                                       - Yes
Pre-workshop engagement with participants via email and blog                   - Yes
Survey Monkey                                                                                             - No
Padlet                                                                                                           - Yes
Blog contains workshop presentation material                                              - Yes
Blog contains further reading                                                                         - Yes
Embedded analytics                                                                                      - Yes
Participants requested to post reflection on Padlet                                        - Yes
Transparency of engagement process, workshop content and discussions   - Yes
Post session reflection by Faculty                                                                  - Yes
Post session evaluation                                                                                  - In process

Key ideas shared in the workshop and symposium include those illustrated on the following three slides presented earlier in the blog (highlighted also below).

Sandars, J and Goh, PS. Is there a need for a specific educational scholarship for using e-learning in medical education? Med Teach. 2016 Apr 19:1-2 [Epub ahead of print]

(manuscript categories in journal Medical Teacher)

Further reading and Article references:

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